Over millennia another Jesus was proposed by some. In many ways a false idea of Jesus was formed. Such a false concept can result in believers losing their salvation! For the sake of your salvation the Christ that walked and preached in Judea must be correctly known.
The first misunderstanding that entered the outlaying churches in the Roman Empire was the concept that Christ did away with the Commandments, and hence, the Sabbath. This falseness need to be thoroughly investigated and proved. A study into the sayings of Jesus will reveal a lost section of the Gospel message.
The book "The Lord of the Sabbath" provides a detailed study of the saying of Jesus that He is the "Lord of the Sabbath".
Follow the link below to find the book in the Amazon bookstore:
The person of Jesus Christ is well preached around the world. His love and emphathy is well understood. However, Christ is much more than what most understand about Him. Christians need to understand His total role in our salvation process. Jesus is fulfilling multiple roles now and in the future. We need to understand all that He does for our salvation, and why He is vital for us to reach our ultimate potential in the coming Kingdom of God. Understand His roles in leading us to eternal life in the Kingdom of His Father. learn how to correctly relate to our Lord and Savior.
Research led to the book "Jesus Christ, King, Lawyer, Priest and Judge". Follow the link below to the bookstore:
The Grace that came with Christ is well preached, but there is nuch more to the person of Christ. Few understand Him as a prophet. Jesus was indeed a great prophet, anf for the Christian New Testament era He was the greatest prophet!
Jesus fulfilled many prophecies, most of them miracously. He was prophesied to come from Genisis, the first book in the Bible. He was destined to come from the first incident of sin by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Furthermore, Jesus made many prophetic principles that were fulfilled, and many are now being fulfilled. Some of His prophecies will soon be fulfilled as world events move to the inevitible clash of nations.
See Jesus as the greatest prophet that walked the earth! The book is available from the bookstore. Just follow the link below:
Was Jesus Christ God? Did God walk the earth two thousand years ago? Are they the same being? Is the Trinity Doctrine correct? Did God pray to Himself?
How are we to understand the Godhead? These are very serious questions. A misunderstanding can lead to failure to form a right relationship with God! It will cloud our understnading of many scriptures if we don't form a right relationship with the God Family!
Our very salvation is then in question!
Please follow the link below:
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